
Category: Tahini Secrets

Benefits of Tahini

Tahini is a major ingredient in baba ganoush and humus. It is from sesame seeds pureed and results to a peanut-butter like taste. These seeds are hulled, roasted, or it is also made from raw sesame seeds. what are the benefits of tahini?   Sesame seed are known to contain numerous phytosterols compared to other […]

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Is Tahini Vegetarian?

A lot of people nowadays are becoming health conscious with the food they’re eating and will spend a lot of time searching on the internet if it’s healthy or not. Let me help you answer your question on how tahini paste is made? And is tahini vegetarian?   Tahini is commonly used in cuisines at […]

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Tahini Hummus

Hummus is a dip made out from mashed chickpeas, mixed with lemon juice, tahini, garlic, and salt. Is a Levantine cuisine. This savoury dip is popular all over Middle-Eastern countries and invading western countries, too. An Asian and middle-eastern cuisine uses tahini in their dishes frequently, which is also slowly adopted by the westerns. And […]

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Oil from Tahini Sauce

Tahini is an all-around condiment that people use in their dishes. A sauce that is important in making hummus, baba ganoush, and falafel. Tahini originally from middle-eastern countries; a Mediterranean cuisine which vegan people love the most. It’s a sauce that people love to eat and mix with other ingredients. What’s in the oil from […]

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Tahini Paste

Tahini paste is an all-around condiment which is made out from grinded hulled or unhulled sesame seeds. It’s a famous food in Middle-Eastern and Asian countries cuisine. In Persia, this is considered as a  “holy food” for them because it’s super nutrients. In the past, it is believed to be the secret of longer and […]

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Tahini: The Goddess Dressing

According to a story, the name The Goddess Dressing was an idea of chef who works in a hotel to show gratitude to towards an actor. Chef Philip Roemer is an executive chef in prestigious hotel in San Francisco who likes to show his gratitude to an actor named George Arliss. His “The Green Goddess” […]

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Tahini Free Hummus

Like tahini, hummus is also a popular dip of the dishes in middle-eastern countries. In restaurants and party foods, it will always go together with blanched fruits and fried dishes. And tahini is the main component of hummus. Hummus is served in a big bowl and put in the center of a plate together with […]

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Tahini Ingredients

Curious what is in your tahini? What it is made of? If it’s vegan or not? Most of us are quite meticulous with foods we take in. Fake and non-organic food is almost every corner on earth and it’s already alarming. Plastic rice, man-made vegetables, crazy? It’s actually hilarious! No more wondering, we’ll explore what […]

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Are Calories in Tahini Healthy?

For a person who wouldn’t want to lose weight or shed some, as much as possible they stay away from calories. They treat calorie as a monster, because if you consume more than you’re required to, surely it’ll make you gain weight. It’s important to watch what we eat to maintain a healthy body with […]

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