
Medical Disclaimer

The publishers of, have put considerable effort into researching and coming up with the information on this website. They are updating the website regularly. They’re also making sure everything is up to date as much as possible.

Any information that you can find on this website has been carefully researched and has been well thought of. You, the reader(s), are advised to be careful in evaluating the completeness, relevance, accuracy and currency of each information.

We, the publishers, are encouraging you to seek professional medical advice. You should do this before acting upon any information you can find on this website,

We, the publishers, will not be able to guarantee you the effectiveness of any of the information or advice found on this website. The success stories and testimonials that you may find on this website will not be guaranteed by us.

If you try to use Tahini, your results may vary from others on this website, and are not guaranteed. We, publisher of, shall accept no responsibility for any accidents, damage, or harm that may occur. If you will act upon the information that you will find on this website, the responsibility solely rest on your shoulders.

We, publishers of, will not be held liable for any unsatisfactory results that you may have from using our information.

The opinions that you may find on do not necessarily reflect the views of the company.